Red Veins
Red veins, of which spider veins, thread veins and varicose veins are the most common examples, are often found on the face and legs. They can affect different people at different times.
Spider and thread veins are damaged veins close to the surface of the skin, so named due to their resemblance to spider webs. Their appearance on the face is normally a result of blood vessels bursting, something which is commonly experienced by those who suffer from rosacea.
The emergence of spider veins on the legs can usually be attributed to a valve in the vein becoming weaker and blood being unable to move in the proper direction. Such pressure causes the vein to branch out, creating noticeable red veins. It is important to note that spider veins are seldom uncomfortable and, as such, are considered to be cosmetic concerns.
Conversely, varicose are usually itchy, painful and cause significant swelling, appearing larger, deeper and lumpier than their web-like counterparts.