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Get A Post-Summer Glow, With AlumierMD Peels

October 5, 2021

AlumierMD Skin Peels are the next generation of clinical exfoliation for specific skin concerns. Chemical peels are light to deep peels which cause controlled damage to the epidermis/dermis, the lower layers of the skin, with the goal of stimulating new tissue and cells to improve the skin’s texture and tone, leaving you with a more radiant, brighter complexion.

Alumier Radiant 20/10 Peel 

This peel is a powerful combination of both alpha and beta hydroxy acids. It contains 20% lactic acid and 10% salicylic acid. It helps to resurface and rejuvenate the skin, perfect for helping reduce the signs of acne.

Its benefits include:

  • Exfoliating away dead skin cells and providing a fast cell turnover to introduce a clearer skin texture and complexion.
  • Helping to reduce acne pimples, unclog open pores and blackheads, minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and reduce hyperpigmentation and sun damage.

get the glow alumiermd

Alumier Radiant 30 Peel

This alpha hydroxy acid resurfacing peel contains lactic acid to help reduce the signs of visible ageing and hyperpigmentation. It contains 30% lactic acid.

Its benefits include:

  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, discoloration, sun damage, and large pores.
  • Exfoliating dead skin cells and boosts skin cell turnover.
  • Improves the skin’s tone, texture and leaves a smoother feeling appearance.

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What main ingredients do our Alumier peels contain?

  • Enzymes – similar to most chemical peels, an enzyme peel is also used to improve the skin’s appearance and health. An enzyme peel both exfoliates and nourishes the skin and is usually made with fruit enzymes, mainly from papayas and pineapple.
  • Lactic Acid – This helps to reduce inflammation in the skin, it’s naturally found in milk but biosynthesised for any cosmetic facial treatments.
  • BHA, Salicylic Acid – This acid is an exfoliant to the skin, breaking down dead skin cells and creating anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also oil-soluble meaning it breaks through the oil and dead skin particles, whilst unclogging pores, controlling acne breakouts, and helps to smooth the skin.
  • Resorcinol – This acid has retexturing properties, to help leave the skin looking and feeling much smoother and healthier.
  • Retinoids – Retinoids are clinically proven to reduce the signs of ageing. They also help to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne, and unclogs pores.

The post care peel kit…

After your Alumier skin treatment, the post-care kit is the perfect way to care for your skin following your chemical peel. We advise you to use this 5 – 7 day after your treatment to avoid any complications and keep your skin looking and feeling hydrated.

The kit includes the following Alumier MD products:

  • SensiCalm Cleanser, 15ml – To be used every morning and evening. This calming hydrating cleanser gently removes impurities and excess oil. Aloe vera, yucca root extract, and vitamin e all help to calm redness and leave the skin feeling hydrated.
  • Recovery Balm, 15ml – To be applied every day. This moisturiser is specifically formulated for any post-treatment recovery. It’s full of soothing ingredients such as hinokitiol and sea whip which help to relieve redness.
  • Sheer Hydration Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 40, 15ml – To be applied every morning. A sheer hydrating sunscreen that provides powerful protection against UVA and UVB rays. Its ingredients include zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, vitamin E.

alumier peel kit

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